Mims Davies MP joins Mid Sussex District Council and Universal Quantum to tour University of Sussex research facilities
Member of Parliament for Mid Sussex, Mims Davies and a team from Mid Sussex District Council (MSDC) and Universal Quantum were shown round the University of Sussex' extensive research facilities.
Originating from the University of Sussex' strategic research programmes, and now a leading Mid Sussex based innovative quantum computing company, Universal Quantum owe their origins to the University and its rich and varied expertise and research environment.
Universal Quantum, now with headquarters in Haywards Heath, are building quantum computers to tackle complex, real-world problems in everything from climate change to drug discovery.
Dr Sebastian Weidt, CEO and co-founder of Universal Quantum, said:
"Quantum computers will tackle problems that would take today's most powerful supercomputers billions of years to solve. But, to unlock the full potential of quantum computing and change the world, we need millions of quantum bits (qubits). We've been focused on creating a million-qubit quantum computer from day one."
Professor Winfried Hensinger, Chief Scientist at Universal Quantum added:
"The world is entering a new quantum era with quantum computing predicted to create $850 billion of value in the next 15 to 30 years. With the right support our region could play a leading role in this new industry sector."
As can be seen through the relocation of Universal Quantum, cutting edge technology industries are growing quickly in Mid Sussex, with Councillor Jonathan Ash-Edwards, Leader of Mid Sussex District Council commenting:
"We have worked hard in Mid Sussex to attract and establish centres of excellence and we are proud to now be able to say that we have clusters of specialists in everything from digital and creative industries through life sciences and fintech to Quantum computing."
Councillor Ash-Edwards added: "As an authority MSDC stands ready to support further investment through £1.1 billion worth of opportunity sites, which will shortly also include the region's first science and technology park".
MSDC's inwards investment programme, Opportunity Mid Sussex (opportunitymidsussex.co.uk) aims to attract further scientists, engineers, and entrepreneurs to join Universal Quantum and others already based here amongst one of the UK's most skilled knowledge-based economy workforces.
Mims Davies, MP for Mid Sussex said: "I was delighted to visit the University of Sussex to see and understand the tremendous capabilities these computers have and the vital jobs and opportunities they will bring to our area. The impact and advances these computers can make in certain sectors is phenomenal and we are incredibly lucky in Mid Sussex to have this technology being built on our doorstep. I cannot wait to see the difference they will make."